Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Once Again, Sorry Felsenreaders

Between a spate of holidays, the commencing of several new jobs, some due commissions, and the proofing of my new book, it seems my poor little blog has fallen off my own charts. There's so much I've wanted to write about which is now old hat because time has yet again gotten the better of me. I even wanted to review some books--Mark Z. Danielewski's epoch-making (and traversing) Only Revolutions, Clare Messud's fantastic The Emperor's Children, Ron Rosembaum's The Shakespeare Wars, Cormac McCarthy's The Road, Sam Harris' Letter to a Christian Nation, and the six volume set of Huxley's essays--and write about some amazing new records (too numerous to list in an offset em-dash way), but that will all, I suppose, have to wait.

In the meantime, allow me to insert a plug for an upcoming concert this weekend: the American Composer's Orchestra will be playing in Carnegie Hall this Friday (the 13th, so prepare to be scared), a whole spate of interesting new repertoire, pieces by Michael Gandolfi (a favorite, an old teacher, a friend), Brad Lubman, Evan Ziporyn, Michael Gatonska, Susie Ibara and Corey Dargel. Should be a rangy show, an unpredictable, crossover venture from the ACO as we've come to know them. Details here.

In the meantime, accept my apologies for not writing more.

And lastly (is that even a word?), kudos to Steve Smith of Night After Night blog fame for winning this year's prestigious Deems Taylor Award, well-earned and much deserved. Good for Steve (who is also lucky enough to have become engaged to someone quite wonderful) and good for blogs. Nice to know these scribbings, from some, are actually noticed.